

The Association shall be called “The Paediatric Neurology and Development Association of Southern Africa” (PANDA-SA), herein after referred to as the “Association”.
The Association is an independent body and is not affiliated in a constitutional nor dependent manner to another organization.

The objectives of the Association shall be:
2.1 To promote Health Care services in Paediatric Neurology and Developmental Medicine to all Southern African children by the following means:
​ a. Communication and networking between all professionals in the fields of Paediatric Neurology and Child Development in Southern Africa.
b. The forging of international links with professionals working in these fields.
c. Further education by:
i. organising meetings, discussion groups, conferences etc. To provide continuing medical education for professionals within the various regions.
ii. training of health care professionals at centres of excellence in Paediatric Neurology and Child Development.
iii. disseminating up to date resource registers, guidelines and other useful information.
d. Public education through the media.
e. The health of and lobby for children with special needs with the relevant authorities.
f. Research collaboration and play an active role in the acquisition of research funding.
2.2 To facilitate the organisation of specialised services within each region.
2.3 To function as a pressure group for matters pertaining to the sub-specialities (e.g. the training of registrars, billing etc.)
2.4 To forge links with other professional bodies that are engaged in similar activities of promoting the welfare and development of children.

Any professional involved in the care and management of children with neurological and developmental conditions is eligible for full membership with all the associated responsibilities and priveleges.
In general a policy of inclusivity rather than exclusivity will be encouraged.
At the discretion of the Executive Committee honorary memberships may be awarded.
A member can terminate membership either by a decision of the Executive Committee or by not paying the annual subscription fee.

​ 4.1 General control and direction shall be vested in an Executive Committee duly elected at General Meetings.
4.2 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
a. Chairperson
b. Secretary
c. Treasurer
d. Four (4) additional members
e. Immediate past chairperson
4.3 The Executive Committee shall hold office for four (4) years and shall be eligible for re-election.
The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election to these specific offices for no more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Should ordinary members of the Executive agree to further four-year terms of office, an election will not be necessary unless an objection/s from at least five (5) members is forwarded to the Secretary at least three (3) days before the relevant General Meeting.
Elections may under such circumstances take place every four years.
4.4 Nominations for the Executive will be proposed and seconded at the Biennial General Meeting.
The election of the Executive Committee shall be by secret ballot as will be decided at the Biennial General Meeting.
4.5 Members can vote by proxy. This request should reach the Honorary Secretary in writing at least three (3) days before the Biennial General Meeting.
4.6 The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt at the most three (3) ad-hoc members.
4.7 The Honorary Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the Association and of its Executive Committee and shall conduct all correspondence in connection with the affairs of the Association.
The Honorary Treasurer shall receive all monies and make all disbursements authorised by the Executive Committee.
4.8 In exercising control over the Association, the Executive Committee shall at all times abide by the Constitution of the South African Paediatric Association.
4.9 The Executive Committee shall ensure that the Association shall at no time allow any account held by the association to be overdrawn nor be in overdraft.

5.1 The scientific meeting of the Association will be held biennially and shall include the General Meeting of the Association.
5.2 Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened by the Executive Committee at any time when in its opinion, it is expedient.
5.3 The Executive Committee shall on request of ten (10) members of the Association entitled to vote at a General Meeting call an Extra-ordinary General meeting.

​An annual subscription shall be payable by all members of the Association to provide funds for the carrying out of work of the Association. Increases may be determined by the Executive Committee and members will be informed in writing of such a decision.

7.1 The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer shall submit a Report and a Financial Statement at the Biennial General Meeting of the Association.
7.2 The financial year end: The financial year end shall be 31st December each year.

Amendments to the Constitution shall be effected only if passed by a two-third majority of those voting at the Biennial General Meeting of the Association. A quorum shall consist of not less than twenty (20) members. ​​

The activities of the Association shall be suspended if at any time its membership shall be less than ten (10) members or if the decision is passed by a two-third majority of those voting at the Biennial General Meeting of the Association. ​​

In the event of dissolution of the association the assets of the Association shall be transferred to a similar Public Benefit Organization as will be decided by the Executive Committee